Friday, 19 December 2008

Films originaux

These movies were produced by my grade 3 students in just 3 days! Given nothing but a title, students followed the structure of a natrrative and used an improvisation model we call 'statues' to develop all aspects of their movies. WOW!

Ces films ont été crée pas les élèves de notre classe en seulement 3 jours! Suivant la structure d'un texte narratif et en employant une méthode d'improvisation, ils ont tout dévéloppé à partir d’un simple titre.

Écris-nous un commentaire!

La flûte magique

Ne stresse pas papa

Ma fille est PUNK!

L'avion va décoller

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

FILMS- Marche a suivre

Voici quelques films que certains élèves ont crée. Ils ont utilisés les caméras Small Wonder de RCA - super simple et facile à utiliser.

Ranger son pupitre

Se préparer pour un LOCKDOWN - en deux parties

Nettoyer son pupitre

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Marche a suivre - Instructions

Voici des directives pour les routines les plus communes à l'école.

Listen to instructions for common school routines.

Tu les trouvera sur Netcaster - Woodrofe PS

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Mrs H.'s class - Living pictures

Mrs Hall's class prepared a series of 'tableaux vivants' or living pictures to honor Canadian soldiers. Here is an exerpt of the Remembrance Day Ceremony.

Thursday, 30 October 2008

Emergency preparedness

Being in portable, we have to be ready for anything:

-early winter
-visiting scientists
-early Valentines Day

Other than needing spare socks, we were prepared for everything ... so far.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Students comment on the benefits of podcasting

Four fictional students were interviewed. Here is what they had to say:

click the title Podcasting Interview at
Woodroffe PS Netcaster.

Scientists in School - Plants

Voici un apercu de notre atelier et quelques commentaires.

Here are a few pictures and some spontaneous comments.

Interested in learning more about Scientists in School?

Monday, 27 October 2008

Blog talk

Greetings students and parents. This year we will be exploring the use of in-class sound recordings as a means of publishing our discussions and projects. They will be posted on WOODROFFE NETCASTER - our school podcast channel. You are welcome to view, listen and leave comments on both the netcaster page and this blog.

This is all quite new...especially developping this blog. So, be patient, please and feel free to offer suggestions to the content of our blog.