Thursday, 30 September 2010

New BLOG!!!!

Visit WOODROFFE3B Mme Rutten's class

Informative movie? Film didactique?

How Dinosaurs Learned to Fly

Is this an informative movie?

Peux-tu croire ces informations?

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Monday, 27 September 2010

This week at Woodroffe

Beginning this week: Squirmies, Gamepak, pizza, milk and Subway.

The Terry Fox Walk, Thursday. Parent volunteers are still needed. Please contact Mme Rochon.

Homework: Thanks for having looked through the package this weekend. Though there will be a bit of a learning curve, the activities should be low stress practice. Extension in most subjects can be found in the resource section of the class blog.

Library is on Tuesday.

that's all for now! I am on Workplace Safety training this afternoon.

M Lemelin

Friday, 24 September 2010

Les Responsabilités - Responsibilities

Vocaroo dans la classe...un essaie

Here is a trial recording of a discussion.

Spelling & Vocabulary Website: SpellingCity

Spelling & Vocabulary Website: SpellingCity
Look out! This seems like a great one!
Wow! Un autre site superbe!

Link to Learning

Link to Learning

Here is a great site Mme Norman offered us today. Voici une ressource partagé par Mme Norman.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Updates and thank you

Hi parents, students,
There is certainly no shortage of paper shuffled between school and home in the beginning of the year. Many thanks for having completed the administrative forms, food and activity registrations and for having contributed throught he student levy.

The grade three team working towards having individual class blogs for communications, sharing, learning tools and, of course, homework. We are near ready, but we may need to shuffle a bit of paper to get things started. News on this soon.

That said, there is no time like now to become familiar with the blog and all it has to offer. I encourage students and parents to visit regularly - both the message column on the left and the learning resources on the right. I encourage visitors to leave a quick comment at every visit as it help build community around our blog.

Bon soir!

M Lemelin

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Les responsabilités - Responsible Students in School

Essaie d'identifier les actions responsables!

Friday, 17 September 2010

Dans notre beau jardin, on ne fait pas que manger! On dessine!

Pions d'addition - addition chips

Griffin et Sebastien ont préparé un petit jeu pour nous. Trouve l'addition que les pions réprésentent.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010


Un beau groupe, un bon depart, la bonne humeur!

La classe de M. Lemelin - 3D