Voici un apercu de notre atelier et quelques commentaires.
Here are a few pictures and some spontaneous comments.
Interested in learning more about Scientists in School?
Studio de recherche sur les technologies humaines is produced by M. Lemelin and his grade 4 students in Ottawa, Ontario.
Voici un apercu de notre atelier et quelques commentaires.
Here are a few pictures and some spontaneous comments.
Interested in learning more about Scientists in School?
Lukas est drole quand il dit ,
Lukas tu est trop drole!
Trop drole
Trop drole
Lukas étét trés drôle!
I thought that Lukas was really,really,really funny and the hole video was funny and great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The whole video was hilarious and they were acting like grade 3ers are suppose to act very funny!!
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