Studio de recherche sur les technologies humaines is produced by M. Lemelin and his grade 4 students in Ottawa, Ontario.
Friday, 4 November 2011
Musée de Sciences et Technologies
wow!!!!!!!!!! you got lots of great pictures to make that wonderful mouvie ! you were right that was a great song you chose. When I was going home my dad said that you seemed like a very nice teacher and he had a very nice day.He said he had alot of fun :) . I was wondering when the next feeld trip was ? Well Ihope you have a great weekend and see you on monday. :) :)
WOW!LES TRAINS SONT tellement GRAND!Exellent video,je pense que la classe devrais avior une autre sortie comme ça.Les lumiers sont vraiment amusant!Mais quand on a perdu Cyrus et Dylan, j'étais un petit peu peur!Mais ils ont retourner.
Étalement urbain - Quoi faire de la Ceinture verte d'Ottawa?- Urban sprawl - What to do with the Ottawa Greenbelt be
Quote from Mr. George Lucas
It goes like this:
"My films deal with... the need for humans to have friendships to be compassionate to band together to help one another and to join together against what is negative
wow!!!!!!!!!! you got lots of great pictures to make that wonderful mouvie ! you were right that was a great song you chose. When I was going home my dad said that you seemed like a very nice teacher and he had a very nice day.He said he had alot of fun :) . I was wondering when the next feeld trip was ? Well Ihope you have a great weekend and see you on monday. :) :)
My dad had fun at the musiem i did too and by the way that is a good video AWSOME
sa c'est exelen
that is AWSOME i LOVED going there i was wondering when the next feeld trip was?
Ca, c'etait teeeeeeeeeeeellement amusant!Moi et ma mere ont eu beaucoup de plaisir.
WOW!LES TRAINS SONT tellement GRAND!Exellent video,je pense que la classe devrais avior une autre sortie comme ça.Les lumiers sont vraiment amusant!Mais quand on a perdu Cyrus et Dylan, j'étais un petit peu peur!Mais ils ont retourner.
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