Monday, 13 April 2009

Matt produces his movie! Matt produit son film! - Movie to be added soon

From Matt`s Mother:
Matt and I saw the information on the blog (Friday or Saturday). Thanks very much for doing that. We enjoyed your voiceover while the video showed the breakfast scene (Matt especially).
Matt’s short movie was shot on Sunday. The whole family had a lot of fun doing it (a LOT OF FUN). I was truly impressed with Matt’s motivation and focus. I originally thought that Calvin would have to help him with MovieMaker, but Matt definitely proved me wrong about that.

While Calvin and I were preparing supper on Sunday, Matt decided that he would edit the movie. He found the program quite easy to use. So, the film is exactly how Matt wanted it. And, his family is extremely proud of the outcome.

Matt burned a CD for you and will bring it to school on Tuesday.

Thanks for all help on this project. I foresee more movies in our future, from our young Steven Speilberg.


Lila said...

J'ai pencer que c'étais interesant!

tay said...

Pour qoi tu as choisis de faire cette film Matt.

Jaden Moyes said...

tres cool!!!!

luke said...

Il etet tres eteson de matt a fait un chois com sa.

Sara said...

est ce- que tu as vraiment construi le voiture?

Noah said...

Je pense que Matt as fait un tres bon travaille

JadenMoyes said...

SARA said...

Matt said...


J'ai choisi ce film parce que j'ai ganier 1er place.

Matt said...


Oui j'ai vraimemt construie avec un peux d'aide.

Roger Lemelin said...

Que penses-tu faire quand tu seras plus grand? Vas-tu être concepteur de vehicules ou cinématographe? Que sont tes passe-temps préférés?
M Lemelin

Jaden moyes said...

Matt a fait un exelant travaille!!!! quand atu fait sa?

Lukas said...

Matt tu etai le pluse bon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matt said...


J'ai fait mon voiture pendent la semaine de mars.

luke said...

Le que a les crdet.

Lisa(Matt's older sister) said...

Good job Matt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I did 3 jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grandma and Grandpa said...

Grandma and Grandpa are so proud of you. Great job Matt!
Love cousins,
Jackie and Dani